Happy Monday!
Here is Arrow #6 in the
Follow That Arrow Contest. Do you know where to find it?
Arrow #6 |
do not send in any answers yet! We have received entries from several more pandas, and they have all been deleted because they didn't follow the rules. You have to send in the answers for all 10 arrows at the same time. Only 6 arrows have been revealed so far, so it is impossible to send in a complete and correct entry right now. Contest entries will
only be accepted after the 10th arrow is in my blog on September 21st.
If you have already sent in an entry, you can still send in a complete and correct entry on September 21st. Make sure to review all of the
rules of the contest so your entry will be eligible to win. Happy hunting!

You know, there are a lot of wild, weird, and wonderful things you can wear on your head in Pandanda, and I want to see them! This Wednesday, September 19th, will be another awesome Hat Day!
I will be making some visits to Pandanda on Wednesday to check out all of my friends wearing their favorite hats. I'll let you know tomorrow the times I plan to visit, but for now, start going through your closet to figure out what you want to wear!
Party on, Pandas!