Pandanda Online Games for Kids
Pandanda Online Games for Kids
Pandanda Online Games for Kids
Pandanda Online Games for Kids

Monday, September 19, 2011

Ahoy Mateys! It's International Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Yo-ho-ho! I look forward to International Talk Like a Pirate Day every year, but this year I almost forgot! Arrrgggg! Thank goodness Mod Jule reminded me.

Not sure how to talk like a pirate? Well, we've made it really easy for you! Just check out the Safe Chat menu from the toolbar at the bottom of your Pandanda screen. The very first group of Safe Chat phrases is "Pirate"!

You can say "Ahoy!" instead of "Hello!"  And instead of asking "Will you be my friend?" you can ask "Will ye be me bucko?" Just have fun with it!

I bet a lot of you have the pirate costume that Jule is wearing. If you do, get dressed up with your pirate panda pals and take a funny picture of you all talking like pirates! If you send your pictures to screenshots@pandanda.com with PIRATES in the subject line, I'll pick a few to feature here on my blog!

Avast! I must hit the high seas!